Box 7” singles ‘1st 5 De 1000 Idioten Records’ (1979)
Box with the first five singles issued by ‘ De 1000 Idioten records’ (later ‘Idiot Records’), founded in Enschede, The Netherlands, 1977.
Box contains:
1. Paul Tornado: Van Agt Casanova / Ik wil jou zijn (mijn idool), 7", De 1000 Idioten (IDI 1111), 1977
2. Suzannes (E.P.): Hippie - Naughty Young Girl - Listen To My Heartbeat / Teenage Abortion - Deepfreeze Boy – Organisation, 7", De 1000 Idioten (IDI-3333), 1978
3. Kewi à Go Go Party: Space Disco / De Meester Van De Zesde Klas Heeft Beatlehaar (The Teacher Of The Second Class has Beatle Hair) - Luxus Apartment, 7", De 1000 Idioten (IDI-4444), 1979
4. Wisselink (E.P.): Too Shy To Love /Barbara Sells Books - Rumours of Revolution, 7", De 1000 Idioten (IDI-5555), 1979
5. La Salle's: Razzle Dazzle / High Class Baby, 7", De 1000 Idioten (IDI-6666), 1979
Media Condition: Mint (M)
Sleeve Condition: Mint (M)